More Mark Martin! NASCAR Online wrote up another nice article about my favorite driver. This time its about how his year has been very unusual compared to his consistancy of past seasons, but how he has not lost any of his desire to compete and win. Hes facing a winless season this year, which isnt as bad as he also faces a season ending not in the top 10 in points, whcih hes been in for more years in a row than any other driver ever. he only needs a few points to get in to 10th, and a few more could put him in 7th or 8th. but the competition in front of him is tough. But as the article clearly points out, they dont come much more tough than Mark Martin.
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Biffle wins 2 in a row! Greg Biffle won yesterdays truck race, and todays Busch race. He won the truck race subbing for Roushs normal driver, giving Ford only its second victory in the series this year, the first one came when biffle drove the truck a few weeks ago. the best part is both races that he won in that Ford were Chevy sponsored races. Biffle has become the biggest winning rookie ever in the Busch series, now with 5 wins. One more top 10, and he will tie the most top tens by a rookie. Biffle won Roush their first series title when he took the Truck series by storm in 2000, and I look forward to seeing this guy move up to Winston Cup part time next year.

I love this guy... He has got to be one of the coolest people out there. NASCAR Online wrote up a nice article about Martin and his Sponsor, Pfizer. You gotta figure, its easy for everyone to poke fun at the idea of a Viagra car. For this man who is one of the highest respected drivers in motorsports to team up with Pfizer, and promote mens health, and not worry about his fans leaving or what other drivers think shows a strong guy who stands up for what he believes in. Martin was speaking for Pfizer before the sponsorship, and teaming up with them was a good move for them, for him, and for the fans, as this article points out.
I decided it was time to order a new case for my main system.
Right now the system is 3 desktop cases stacked up on top of each other. the system consists of 3 Hard Drives, 2 Floppy Drives, and 2 CD Drives, soon to be 4. (when I put in my second 12x burner, and get the Creative Labs DVD Drive). I may go back up to 4 Hard Drives again too. I hate towers.. they look silly on a desk, they are pains in the ass on the floor, and everyones got one. I like Desktops cause they look cool on the desk, and show how "old school" you really are, lol. But unless I cut holes in the bottoms of each case, the 3 of them is just too inconvienient these days. towers are easier to work on, but again, I dont like the look.. I found Cube Server cases to be just the thing I need.. they are built like a tower inside, and have the width and look of a desktop on the outside. itll be just a hair smaller than the 3 cases are now, and itll open on the side which will make it REAL easy to work on which happens a lot these days. Because of technology being so cheap and rapid, I find myself needing to put new stuff in my system all the time. With the 400 Watt Power supply I got with it, this thing is perfect.. I would have gotten the black one, but then Id need to buy all new drives that have black faces, or paint the ones I have. white drives in a black case look silly. I like this though, I think itll work out perfectly.
Apple Fest was yesterday here in my home town.. its just a time for people all over the country to come here and flood south street, giving each small business there a banner day of sales, using apples for the excuse to do it. Its actually hard to find apples during applefest.. but I found some this year.. I got apple crisp. Verona bought it for me.. I got her a necklace too. We pretty much spent the day helping watch the music store that is Daves (see button on right) He had a good day.. and Ill tell you, not much feels better than people buying almost every copy of a mix you made... every time Dave plays my vinyl mix, 3:03 AM, it sells, so we decided to try it during applefest. I made 5 coppies, and within 10 minutes of the CD playing, it sold 2 coppies.. then a few minutes later, another one, and then a while later, he played the CD again, and another one went! that just feels pretty cool!.. especially when they come to me asking "whats this playing?" lol. I gave the last one to Immortalis since hes been asking for one for a while now. If anyone who bought that CD has found this page by searching for "MERVERNATOR", your at the right place, drop me an E-Mail and let me know what you think.
Ahh.. October.. This is probably my favorite time of year. Its not hot or warm, and not too cold. See I like being in the cold, but theres a difference in being in the cold which is nice, or being in the cooler weather which is still chilly but bearable for long periods of time. I like the way it is in my area right now.. this is perfect.. and call me twisted but the music I listen to, I think, actually sounds better.. more inspiring, in this weather. Juno Reactor - Bible of Dreams on a hot sunny day just doesnt cut it compared to Juno Reactor - Bible of Dreams on cool dark day. Try it! I swear! lol.. and my love for this time of year and my love of "darker music" has inspired me to get off my ass and finish the 2CD set I have been wanting to make.. its loaded with GOA/Psy music and its pretty low and dark. I have weeded out most of the 20 tunes Im going to use.. Im waiting for 1 to show up in my new order, and then I have to mix the tracks and compile the CDs. Were talking Juno Reactor, Infected Mushroom, Midi Miliz, M.O.S. and bunches of others.. it will be 20 different artists.. I always try not to repeat a name on my CDs. I hope its done in less than 2 weeks.. I even have cover art ready to go. its all going to hinge on this order if it gets longer than 2 weeks... but if thats happens, dont worry.. Ill be ready to hand out MERVERNATION Live Vol 1&2 within the next month as well. They are done.. I have to fix one part of the end of 1, and I have to print the covers. How can I fix something if it was live? Well.. It a live set that I practiced and practiced and got the way I wanted it.. but playing it live with the blasting volume and other various live obstructions doesnt make as good of a CD I think, So I take my "Worked out Live Set" and transfer each tune directly to my computer so that the quality is better. Vinyl to Computer is better than Vinly to Mixer to Amp to Tape to Computer. I can then do the track placement and mixing with the same timing as I use Live, but with a better controled volume, and click/pop clean up. So I have to fix some pops, and I also want to get rid of the annoying 60 Hz Humm that somehow found its way in to the last track on that transfer. Itll be good.. the quality kicks 3:03 AM's ass a little... lol.
and check it out! nin.com FINALLY has info on the new DVD thats coming out. just like Trent though, hes gonna release it like 3 or 4 different ways... CD, DVD, VHS,.. being a true collector, Ill have to buy them all :)
