Happy Thanksgiving!

PEZ is cool.

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Yeah... Quiz II... why? Beacuse I can.

Biffle Clinches 2002 NASCAR Busch Series Title!
In todays Busch Series race Greg Biffle scored enough points over the rest of the drivers to take the seasons title. He doesnt even have to start the race next week, but Im sure he will. Biffle was the first driver for Roush Racing to score a NASCAR series title in the 2000 Craftsman Truck Series. it took him only 2 seasons to get the job done, and this year, in his second full time Busch Series season, he scored Roush Racing its second ever NASCAR series title. Next year, he moves full time to the Winston Cup Series with a chance of becoming the first driver to ever earn a title in the top 3 NASCAR divisions. Biffle is the man, and Im sure he will get the job done in the future and earn that stat. Biffle is one of the main driver I pull for every weekend, and he will certainly become my main driver if and when Mark Martin leaves racing. Hes a true champion, and will certainly show his talent next season in the Cup series when he goes for the Rookie of the year rights, along with the chance to break many records along the way.

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