Dont forget!
Today is
System Administrator Appreciation Day
All your server are belong to me. lol

I went to Taco Bell today and found:
It RULES! SOOO good. and its ONLY at Taco Bell... or so it says on the other side of the cup. The official site,
www.dewbajablast.com doesnt appear to be up yet at the time of this post, so Im thinking I may have gotten something a little sooner than was supposed to be released. I search with google and find just 2 sites with anyone that may know anyhting.. and they are just saying they saw the logo for the upcoming flavor.. and thats about it. this stuff is great. once again, Pepsi Co. pulls a great move. if youre a dew enthusiast then go to Taco Bell today and try this great new flavor.
as we searched the net for information about Baja Blast, we finally came across a nice picture of that long rummored MountaindeW Pitch Black!!
We didnt know what this special flavor would be.. we thought maybe black cherry, or black raspberry,.. but we never thought black grape. Supposedly dew out in October of this year. Im sure like everything else Pepsi makes, especially in the Dew line.. itll deliver.
what a great day in dew news history! I will forever remember July 25th 2004. lol.

I think Ive answered all these before throughout all the other ones, but this one was taken from someone who I care very much about, so I had to do it :)
Information Thing
Plus some of them are present time related so it alwys a little variation for fun.
