The girl and I went to a show this weekend called HixonFest. it was 5 metal bands in a small place down in Camden NJ. We originally decided to go a couple months ago because her cousin is the drummer for one of the bands playing. He started the band called Single Bullet Theory a number of years back with a friend, and they were 3rd in line for this show. then as it turns out, we found that Richard Christy from The Howard Stern Show was hosting this thing. hes an old metal guy himself.. he was the drummer for Iced Earth on 4 albums, and for another band called Death at some point. Now hes the guy on Howard that makes a living by doing things like recording himself taking a crap, and using that sound to call an auto mechanic.. so naturally I was looking forward to meeting him. the show was pretty good, and Richard was cool. got a picture with him, and also spotted the guy who appeard on Howards Channel 9 show in the early 90s because he could supposedly blow smoke out of his eyes.. Kenneth Keith Kallenbach. I wasnt sure it was him at first, and then someone showed me his business card which is was handing out earlier. I asked him if he was still doing that and he says "yeah man!" lol.. if you go to google video or youtube, search for his name and you can actually see the clips from that show, as well as some others where he did the same trick, but with goggles water to blow air out of his eyes. the guy really hasnt changed at all, he looked the same as he did on the Channel 9 Show over 15 years ago... we stayed at a Motel6 and were planning on going to the NJ State Aquarium the next day, but when we got there the place was packed. since we had a long drive still we decided it might not be a good time to go. was probably a good decision too cause the traffic made the drive over an hour longer than it was getting there. stupiud construction. stupid people.

1000 miles!
Went camping with the girl the past few days.. was up in Watkins Glen State Park by Lake Senica. really nice area. finding different routes to walk my 6 miles every morning was fun.. ended up in some interesting places.. the town also has small stones in the sidewalk every 5 or 10 squares that have the names of all the drivers who have won various races at the Watkins Glen race track. We also went through a gorge trail which was really cool. lots of waterfalls and neat trails to follow. we also found a really amazing pizza place where we went 2 days in a row. now thats roughing it.
So Ive had this bet for a while with a couple friends which involved stuffing my face. Theres this place we go called Moes Southwest Grill, and they have a large burrito called a Homewrecker, which they advertise as "20 oz. of pure love". I felt fairly confident in conversation one day that I could eat 2 of them in 1 sitting. so yesterday was finally the day we all decided to go again and try this. if I succeeded, Jeff owes me the cost of the 2 burritos. simple yeah.. not much money.. just for the pure fun of it really. So I ordered mine, 1 with black beans, 1 with pinto beans. I figure if Im gonna possibly make myself sick by overeating, I might as well enjoy some variety... I also dont care much for the taste of guacamole, so I have them leave that out, but double up on the sour cream. came to about $14 worth of burrito. I sat down and started... durring a recent business trip I found a moes and had one homewrecker and also had a chicken club quesadilla. I ate the quesadilla first, which was no small object,.. and then had the homewrecker. I timed the homewrecker consumption and finished it in 5 minutes flat.. so I knew Id be able to start off quickly for this current challenge. I took a moment to decide which one I wanted first. the black or pinto beans.. Jeff told me to pick the one Id likebetter because I wouldnt ever be getting in to the second one anyway. I started in on the pinto bean one, and within about 5 to 6 minutes the first one was GONE. the look on Jeffs face was priceless, as he had already said Id never even finish the first one a number of times durring the previous week. I started in on the second one and took it a step slower, but still with aggression. I even took the time between bites to tormen Jeff with some sick bathroom stories. little by little the burrito disappeared before his very eyes and when I got down to the last bite, I just held it as if to make it seem like I couldnt fit another bite. Jeff quickly motioned for me to put it down, and suggested I have a some of my soda, or some chips instead.. and then just as I was looking at the chip bowl, I popped that last bite in and was done.. was just over 20 minutes... Jeff looked as if he just saw the most precious jewl in the world stolen before his eyes. then to be sure there were no doubts, I ate a few handfulls of chips, both rubbing it in, and giving out other friend Steve something to laugh at. it was a good time. next time I wont have lunch that day, and I might just order 3 homewreckers.

today marks 800 miles. thats mostly impressive to me because last year I didnt hit 800 miles till august 16th... so Im more than a month and a half ahead of where I was last year. at this rate Ill even hit 1000 before that date. I hate to say it, but its almost looking like 2000 miles wont be a far reach by years end.