Went to the race in Dover this weekend. I love Dover and had been really wanting to get back there for a number of years. a bunch of my family decided to bring my Grandmother since she has been really enjoying the raced the past few years. considering the heat and noise we got tickets in one of the indoor sections with AC. I can definately say that Dover is best experienced outside.. and I think my grandmother felt the same way too because while we were there, she spent a good amount of time in the section where you can go outside and stand close to the track. lol. still, it was fun, and interesting to experience a race from that side of the track and from a section like that.. but if I go back, Ill be getting my tickets for the outside grandstands again.
Went to see Sxip again last night but this time is was Sxips Hour of Charm. while I appreciate the show he puts together, Sxip is best seen when its just Sxip. 2 or 3 songs just isnt enough.. but anyway, there was some interesting acts. it started with some girl who felt the need to strip to breakin the law. there was a sword swallower who also took in a neon bulb, and then there were a couple other things.. but Sxip himself was still the best part. I hope Sxip decides to do a show of just himself again soon. by far one of the best shows around.
spent some time making a new page for Fiorellas site. I converted some of her videos to FLV, wrote a nice interface, and with some help form my buddy BrokenReality (he skinned up a nice flash based video player for me), we now have a really good Fiorella Video page. check it out by clicking the link to her page on the right.
mixed malt ovaltine in to a vanilla shake.. not bad at all.. kinda like a malt. lol.. good way to change it up. over the summer while we were camping we stopped for breakfast on the way home and I had frenchtoast sticks, and I mised a maple syrup in to my vanilla shake.. that too was great. durring the summers when the local traveling carnival is around I always go to get a maple shake fromt his one ice cream cart. its pure maple flavor in a vanilla shake, and its damn good.. this little substitute I made will be a good way to hold me over if the urge hits durring the off carnival season.
so I decided it might be time to upgrade my sunfire subwoofer, for the DJing purposes. the current one is mainly used in the cars, and occasionally in the house. I had been using it as the sub for DJing as well. its an 8" Sub and passive, with a bult in 1250 Watt Amp. it kicks ass, especially for a car which was the original motivation I had for it... but I had always wanted one of the bigger models.. so I found one for sale from a pawn shop, and based on the pictures I knew Id want to repaint it and make it look new again, as it has some faded and scratched spots, but otherwise looked ok.. and the price was right. when it arrived from DHL though,... well Ill say this.. I never saw a sunfire in 9 pieces before... cabinet destroied, and the heavy magnet of the driver dented some capacitors and knocked off a fuse holder. while I figured Id be working on the thing, I didnt expect this. the seller put in a claim with DHL and the inspector came. so now its just waiting for an offer, if anything, and if I get nothng, its not so bad.. I didnt mind having to work on it cause I intended to anyway.. just not to this scale.. but Im happy to say that after a few weeks of wood work and then some electronics repair work, I have this thing looking brand new. and the sound is amazing. this thing has a 10" Sub and passive, with a built in 2700 Watt amp. I took it over to my buddy Mooses so we could fool with it at his place, and we had the house shaking. putting things near it when it was rumbling was funny too. I may put up some videos of this one day. I cant wait to bring this thing to the next party I DJ. its going to be great. Ill update about the claim when and if anything happens. hopefully DHL makes good.. even if its only to cover the cost of the tems used to repair the unit.